Thursday 19 September 2013

First day of HRM class!! An insight into entrepreneurship

It was first class of HRM course. We expected a class full of boring HR jargons likes Planning, Controlling etc. On the other hand what we experienced was a class of entrepreneurship and its importance. Since entrepreneurship is an interesting topic that interests many students and professionals, I would like to divide this post into 4 sections
1. What is Entrepreneurship
2.Some not so well known entrepreneurs
3. Why entrepreneurship?
4. My recommendation of further Reads on Entrepreneurship

What is Entrepreneurship?
It is nothing but owning an enterprise. Entrepreneurship is about taking risks and executing things to get fruitful results. Entrepreneurs have ability to get high return on investment. But this is not got easily. Entrepreneurs need hardwork and perseverance to achieve good results They would have to sacrifice lots of personal comforts for achieving this purpose.

Some not so well Known Entrepreneurs
Well most of us know Bill Gates, Warren Buffet etc as well known entrepreneurs. But there are other well known Entrepreneurs too who have produced great results which are not so well known(Both their Innovation as well as them). I would like to pick top 3 such entrepreneurs.

1. Narendra Murukumbhi(Founded Renuka Sugars).
2. V.G.Siddhartha(Founder of Cafe Coffee Day)
3.Shantanu Prakash(Starter of Edu Comp)

I wouldnot like to discuss about them but want you to read about them. You might find it interesting and could have a personal connect.

One small spoiler about Narendra Murkhumbhi I would like to say to you all which might kindle your interest. While everyone goes for placement in IIM Ahemadabad Narendra dint sit for placements and started an enterprise which is now having turnover of more than 1000 crore Rs. Further more on story do read about him.

Our professor Dr. Mandi encouraged us to start earning as student and not depend on our parents like these entrepreneurs.

Why Entrepreneurship
Well I know most of you might be knowing about advantage you have as an entrepreneurs. For others here is the list below.
1. Freedom
2. Self Satisfaction
3. High return on investments
4. Great earning potential.

Do u need anything more!!!!

My recommendation of further Reads on Entrepreneurship:
Please read following books about entrepreneurship which are very good.
1. Stay Hungry Stay Foolish(Rashmi Bansal)
2. Poor Little Rich Slum(Deepak Gandhi and Rashmi Bansal)
3. The New Age Entrepreneurs.

So here ends my blog. Thanks for reading.